This award-winning presentation is designed to provide students with pro-active “reflective” on-line “critical thinking” and “decision making” strategies, that youth can immediately put to good use. Knowledge and the understanding and application of that knowledge is power. This presentation provides the knowledge, information and empowerment, based upon academically peer reviewed research, case studies and relevant real-world examples that tweens, teens and young adults need to know. The goal of the program; to educate students on how to be safer and become more digitally literate, savvy and resilient while participating in the on-line world. In fact, mobile communications in 2014 have now outnumbered both desktop and laptop computers as the number one way that our kids are connecting on-line.
Many who are now online use the Internet for communication, education, entertainment, research, socializing, business and commerce. There is no doubt that the Internet and Social Media have facilitated important positive connections and amazing accomplishments amongst our youth. In fact, teens are the primary producers of web content and want to share their ideas, thoughts and pictures with others on-line. It is a reality however, that the Internet (just like the real world) has also created an on-line virtual environment where thieves, vandals, conartists, and in rare cases sexual predators, will hunt their prey. Unfortunately many tweens, teens and young adults who are using the Internet and Social Media, are not always taking the appropriate safety precautions to help mitigate the risks from those who might want to victimize others on-line for personal gain
This pro-active award winning Social Media/Internet Safety and Digital Literacy 101 presentation for schools, will provide the needed information that will help to keep students safer, increase their privacy and protect their on-line digital footprint.
As the Internet continues to grow in popularity, we depend upon it at an increasing rate to conduct everyday life, which also includes the sharing of private and at times very sensitive information about ourselves with others on-line knowingly, and at times unknowingly.

Bring us in to present and experience why students, teachers, principals, parents and law enforcement internationally have all agreed, that our program is one of the best they have heard on the topics of Internet/Social Media Safety and digital citizenship
As one very experienced BC teacher recently stated,
“one of the most powerful and impactful presentations I have heard in my teaching career !!!”
Online Presence Audit (OPA)
Proactively know what is public about you!
This audit will provide business professionals, students, and athletes with a comprehensive online background search available on the market today. What we do is more than just a basic Google search, we use our skills as Advanced Open Source Intelligence Investigators and policing experience, to apply online search techniques and tools to locate information about you, that may be publicly found by others, in both the light and dark web, something that a plain Google search alone can’t do. Through our online search protocol, we will be able to provide you with:
information, photos, and comments that you may have posted, which can be seen by others
information, photos, and comments that others may have posted about you, which can be seen by others
Others online with a similar name that you should be aware of whose online profile could be mistaken for yours by a sports team, landlord, college, university or employer
Once we have completed your OPA, we will provide you with a comprehensive and easy to read report on what we found, both the good and any bad.
For a further fee, we can also show you how to proactively:
front load your positive digital dossier online to make you more attractable to a sports team, landlord, college, university or employer
make it easier for sports teams, landlords, colleges, universities, and employers to find your positive digital dossier online
help negate the undesirable information in your digital dossier where possible, using several techniques including DMCA Takedowns
provide information on how to increase privacy settings on most major Social Networks
In today’s world, your digital reputation matters when it comes to getting a job, renting an apartment, getting into a university, being signed to a sports team, receiving an academic/athletic scholarship or even a financial loan. Let us digitally help you attain your personal and professional goals by providing you with the online information that others will see, that you need to be aware of.
Who can benefit from an Online Presence Audit (OPA)?
A student or adult who is concerned about what anyone can learn about you online
A student or adult looking to rent an apartment, condominium or house
An athlete looking for a University/College athletic scholarship, or to play on a provincial, national or semi-pro/pro sports team
A teen or adult looking for a job or internship
A college student or adult looking for a financial loan
A student being considered for a financial scholarship
A high school student looking to apply to a University or College
Did you know?
What is out there about you on the Internet (your digital footprint), that a sports team, landlord, college, university, bank or future employer may see, that could either hinder or expedite your application process.
Many sports teams, landlords, colleges, universities and employers will look at your Social Media, and use it as a filtering mechanism to help them screen, recruit and select the best candidate
Many sports teams, landlords, colleges, universities and employers are now contracting companies that specialize in online background checks. These companies are using software programs and algorithms that search much deeper into the internet; they are no longer just using basic Google search techniques.

Virtual Cyberbullying Programs
Supporting Youth Being Targeted by, Aggression, Cyberbullying, Threats, Hacks, and Violence
This program aims to help parents and caregivers support youth who may find themselves subject to various forms of aggression online. We will outline concerning signs to looks for. The diverse forms of aggression takes will be examined ranging from simple messages, threats of violence to more elaborate hacks. We will overview the support process during response and recovery periods in how you can most effetely help. Working with police, schools, and how to overcome barriers will be addressed. In extreme situations what are legal options available to you.
Cyberbullying, Sexting, Nudes, Intimate Images, and the Law Ages 15+ (Grade 8-12)
This session focuses exclusively on two subjects, sexting and bullying. Both subjects are independent but oftentimes coincide. The social and legal circumstances of these behaviours can often be misunderstood, we aim to clarify the facts and risks. This program is based on academic peer-reviewed research, case law, and real-world investigative experience helping teens. The objective of this session is to help youth understand consent, choices, consequences and how they can take specific actions to reduce legal liability and reduce harm emotionally, psychologically, physically and socially specific to these challenges. We will provide tools and resources for times of crisis to help maintain healthy and safe online experiences.
The Dark and Dangerous Side of The Online World
Despite all the good online, it is negligent not to acknowledge the fact that there is concerning the content that both parents and youth need to know about from an emotional, psychological, physical, social and cognitive standpoint. This webinar covers 4 categories of major concerns that both parents and youth should be alive to, and how parents can talk about these concerns in an enlightening and not frightening way.
Q&A is available with this session.
Internet Safety and Digital Literacy for Teens Ages 15+ (Grades 8-12)
This presentation is designed to provide students with proactive reflective online critical thinking and decision-making strategies, that youth can immediately put to good use. This virtual live training offers the knowledge, information, and empowerment, based on academically peer-reviewed research, case studies, and our online investigative experience that teens and young adults need to know.
Q&A is available with this session.
Internet Safety and Digital Literacy for Parents and Caregivers
Helping parents to proactively understand the enabling power of technology and mobile communications, but also how to mitigate the sometimes unintended consequences of high risk or undesirable online behaviour.
This program has included Q&A
Gaming Concerns, Balance, Addiction & Opportunities
This session will help advise families to create healthy gameplay while delving into the research, stories, and firsthand examples of the positives and negatives in this industry. We will also examine the research surrounding the debate around addiction.
Q&A is available with this session.
Parents love to share and promote, through pictures and posts, how proud they are of their children on their social media. However, could these pictures and postings have unintended consequences for their child later in life? In this webinar, we talk about, and provide examples of something called “sharenting.”
Q&A is available with this session.
Technology Sleep and Children
Anecdotally, and from a peer-reviewed research perspective, we know that technology can have a less than desirable effect on sleep patterns. Research has also provided evidence that there is a correlation between sleep deprivation, inhibited learning and being able to self-regulate emotions. In this webinar we will be looking at the correlation between technology, sleep challenges, inhibited learning, and emotional self-regulation and what parents can do to overcome these challenges.
Q&A is available with this session.
The Good of Social Media Technology and Teens
The news likes to shine a light on teens and how they use social media and technology in a negative way. In this webinar, we talk about how the majority of teens are doing super uber cool things online, some of which we guarantee will surprise you!
Q&A is available with this session.
Monitoring, Filtering, and Other Tools for Parents & Caregivers
An overview of the various tools and resources available for families to help manage online connection and communication. To tool is 100% effective but learn about the products and resources that we recommend for families.
Q&A is available with this session.
Online Sexual Predation, Exploitation: What Is the Threat and What Can Students Do To Help Minimize The Online Risks (Grade 8-12)
This webinar will provide students with information specific to understanding what the threat is to online sexual predation and what can they do to help reduce the risks.
Q&A is available with this session.
The Good of Social Media Technology and Teens
The news likes to shine a light on teens and how they use social media and technology in a negative way. In this webinar, we talk about how the majority of teens are doing super uber cool things online, some of which we guarantee will surprise you!
Q&A is available with this session.
Internet Safety and Digital Literacy for Preteens Ages 12-13 (Grade 6-7)
This session will help walkthrough for preteens and teens the things they may have come across at this age online including the emotional, professional, legal, and reputation challenges they can encounter at this age and beyond into adulthood.
Q&A is available with this session.
Internet Safety and Digital Literacy for Kids Ages 9-11 (Grade 4-5)
This event is designed to help kids understand the basics when it comes to privacy and security in the connected world. No amount of filtering or monitoring tools are sufficient compared to our critical thinking skills and understanding of behaviours and consequences. Unless there is 100% parental supervision every time a child is online, this presentation is necessary to help teach kids the power and openness of the internet and sometimes those whom we speak to online may not have our best interests in mind.
Q&A is available with this session.
Teen Sexting, Nudes, Distribution of Intimate Images, and the Law
This program covers teen “sexting” based on academic peer-reviewed research, laws, and our investigative experience to help teens understand consent, choices, consequences and how they can take specific actions to reduce legal liability and reduce harm emotionally, psychologically, physically and socially specific to this subject.
Q&A is available with this session.
How Teens Can Leverage the Internet & Social Media to Create Post-Secondary and Employment Opportunities - Ages 16-18 (Grade 10-12)
This program will provide students with proven techniques to optimize and leverage their social media presence when it comes to university, college, and career opportunities.
Q&A is available with this session.
Online Sexual Predation and Exploitation: What Is the Threat, and What Can Caregivers Do to Help Minimize the Risks
This presentation is for parents and caregivers covering information specific to understanding what online predation is, what it looks like, and what you can do to help reduce the risks for kids.
Q&A is available with this session.